Queer, Migration and Belonging | SOFIE Schriftenreihe zur Geschlechterforschung Band 26

Exploring the interface between sexuality, queerness, migration,and belonging, this volume addresses constructions of sexual and queer identities within global processes of bordering, colonization, globalization, capitalism, nationalism, and the recent ‘crisis of migration.’ The topics covered in this volume range from biopolitics and homonationalism to the (de)construction
of sexual borders and to queer solidarity and coalition building.


inkl. MwSt.

Verlag Naumann Beck | Verlag für kluge Texte

ISBN 978-3-96197-136-7

Seitenzahl 230

Erscheinungsdatum 05 | 2023

Autor Astrid M. Fellner & Eva Nossem eds.

kunst im kleinen format



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